A list of the relevant courses that I have taken/”audited at UW–Madison (with selected type-ups):


1st-year PhD core sequences:

ECON711: Microeconomic Theory I, Fall 2023, Prof. Matteo Camboni & Prof. Benjamin Bernard

ECON713: Microeconomic Theory II, Spring 2024, Prof. Lones Smith & Prof. Marzena Rostek (auction reading notes) (AS)

ECON709: Economic Statistics and Econometrics I, Fall 2023, Prof. Xiaoxia Shi & Prof. Jack Porter

ECON710: Economic Statistics and Econometrics II, Spring 2024, Prof. Bruce Hansen & Prof. Harold Chiang (AN–GMM) (nonparametrics)

2nd-year PhD field courses:

ECON871: Advanced International Economics I (Trade), Fall 2024, Prof. Agustín Gutiérrez & Prof. Miguel Acosta

FINANCE920: Theory of Finance (Asset Pricing), Fall 2024. Prof. Hengjie Ai (Wisconsin School of Business)

“ECON872: Advanced International Economics II (Finance), Spring 2024, Prof. Louphou Coulibaly & Prof. Charles Engel

“ECON871: Advanced International Economics I (Trade), Fall 2023, the second half by Prof. Lydia Cox

Undergraduate courses:

ECON681: Senior Honors Thesis I, Fall 2024, advised by Prof. Lydia Cox & Prof. Jesse Gregory

ECON699: Directed Study, Fall 2024, with Prof. Jesse Gregory & Sarah Bass

ECON580: Honors Tutorial in Research Project Design, Spring 2024, Prof. Simeon Alder & Prof. Corina Mommaerts

ECON664: Issues in International Trade, Fall 2023, Prof. Lydia Cox

ECON699: Directed Study, Spring 2023, with Prof. Matteo Camboni (game theory reading notes)

ECON312: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (Honors), Spring 2023, Prof. Simeon Alder

ECON311: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (Honors), Fall 2022, Prof. Matteo Camboni

ECON410: Introductory Econometrics, Summer 2022, Prof. Christopher McKelvey

Mathematics, Statistics, Computational/Programming

COMP SCI 532: Matrix Methods in Machine Learning, Fall 2024

MATH/STAT632: Introduction to Stochastic Processes, Spring 2024

MATH521: Analysis I, Summer 2023

MATH/STAT431: Introduction to the Theory of Probability, Spring 2023

MATH421: The Theory of Single Variable Calculus, Spring 2023

STAT303: R for Statistics I, Spring 2023

MATH340: Elementary Matrix and Linear Algebra, Summer 2022

COMP SCI 220: Data Science Programming I (Python), Spring 2022

STAT240: Data Science Modeling I (R), Fall 2022

The Calculus I-II-III sequence, Fall 2021 - Fall 2022


2023 LINKS Workshop on Social Network Analysis, Intermediate SNA (R) (unfinished notes)

2023 FODSI Summer School on Foundation of Data Science, Bryn Mawr College, PA